You may be setting some goals as that time of year is upon us. Many of us find ourselves retrospectively examining where we are, checking in on our past goals, whether our actions led us to where we want our lives to be, and how we can more effectively get to our desired destinations. You may even be reminding yourself of some of the principles of goal setting; SMART goals, habit setting to achieve those goals, etc. As the year draws to a close it seems to be something we’re reminded of from so many angles. Even those who scoff at New Year’s resolutions often feel the pull to reset and refocus.
Goals in Literary Marketing
It’s human nature to have goals. People do better when they have goals, but that doesn’t mean those goals can’t be changed, and with the New Year and the reexamining that comes with it, I find myself with the realization that my books have not made it into nearly as many reader’s hands as I wanted to share my words and thoughts with. That realization brings me to the determination that it’s time to give some of my efforts to marketing. So my goals for the year will be in that field.
Public Declaration Of Goals
To start with my marketing effort will center around my blog. One of my efforts will be to revamp and revitalize my blog. I will be doing less travel writing and more literary citizenship writing. Every Tuesday and Friday you’ll be able to find a new blog here supporting literary citizenship, the art of supporting the literary community we are all a part of. There is not a restricted amount of success, it is instead an operation spiraling wider and wider, bringing success to more and more comm
unity members as it grows. I will champion fellow authors and writers, nurture the love of reading and stories, offer book and journal recommendations, and work to help us all better appreciate the art of words.
The good folks at Tweetspeak offer some wise words about being an epic literary citizen.
It’s the time of year when our thoughts turn to evaluating the previous year and planning for the next. Our instinct to consider where we are and where were going. I have determined I will be going towards being a better literary citizen, and hopefully sharing in the rewards offered to the whole community.
What are you goals for the new year? To put more work into making a dream into reality? To be a better literary citizen? Is there something you’ve wanted to do? Now is the time! Tell me all about it? Tell me about your experience in the comments below?
Thoughtful words to begin the new year.