Unpublished Works: Poetry

Measuring Unconditional Love

Measuring unconditional love

A verse about past present and future

Written May2019

Dedicated to My Mom


You are the measure by which I define unconditional love


When I roamed off half way around the world, you rescued me.

Your rescue, turned the roam into a life success, because I learned from it.

When I, unplanned, brought other lives into the world, you were my support.

Your support turned my choice to a success. With love and acceptance, you quietly listened while I processed through to the right choice, a win for all involved.

When I grieved for the future I thought I was going to have, you supported me then too.

And all the other rescues, big and small, visible and invisible, are uncountable and treasured beyond measure.


At my best and at my worst, you love me, simply because there is no other option… simply because doing anything else is inconceivable. By the same token, I feel the same way about my kids.

And I know where I learned it.

I can’t conceive of not running to you with all my successes and failures. Cross country adventures, book’s published, graduation’s yet to be attended…

I don’t like to think about it, but knowing that makes me think about how you feel without your Mom.

Through all manner of my life’s adventures, you pick me up, dust me off and say “now go out there and find some more.”

I simply know that you’ll always be there for me.


Now my kids are approaching adulthood, and I feel the same way about them.

Circumstances make me question if they know how much I’ll support them. I hope they figure it out when they need me.

I’m beginning to get why you did it, why you’re unquestioningly there for me 

I want to be, for my kids, all you are for me.

I learned to be a mom from you. And I still do.                             


You are the measure by which I define unconditional love.

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